Mixed Ability Class - Mondays, 8pm-10pm
Everyone, from complete beginners to very experienced dancers, is welcome at this class. A team of qualified teachers, assisted by trainees, introduce and develop a knowledge of steps, formations and dances.

You do not need to bring a partner, and it is customary for dancers to swap partners for each dance. All you need are comfortable clothes, and to bring dance shoes if you have them (otherwise most people wear trainers or socks initially). Classes run every week during Cambridge University term. Monday classes in Michaelmas are designed especially to provide extra support to those new to dancing, but we welcome beginners all year round. Monday class is held at the Wesley Methodist Church, CB1 1LG. Your first two sessions are free, and after that it costs £5 (or £3 for students). For more information, please contact us.
Advanced Class - Wednesdays, 8pm-10pm
This class is run jointly with the Cambridge and District Branch of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society (RSCDS). The class helps those who are already familiar with steps and formations to improve their precision, timing and grace. This class is also held at the Wesley Methodist Church, CB1 1LG, and costs £5 (or £3 for students), but, if you attend both Monday and Wednesday classes, you need only pay once a week. If you would like to attend Wednesday class, please contact the teacher, Kate Gentles (kate[at]

Highland Class - selected Fridays, 7:30pm-9:30pm
This class teaches Highland Dancing to everyone, from complete beginners onwards. The class is currently run entirely by students and is free . All that you need are dance shoes (or socks) and loose, comfortable clothes - Highland is very energetic! If you would like to attend, please contact Saskia (slf58[at] with a brief description of your Highland dancing experience, as this will help us design a class that everyone present can enjoy.
Scottish Step Class - selected Sundays, 2:30pm-5pm
Step class is run by the Branch - please see their website for more information.
"RonDancing" - selected Sundays, 2:30pm-4:30pm
Formerly the Foss and Drewry Society and now named after its founder, Ron Nedderman, RonDancing provides advanced and confident dancers with the opportunity to learn some of the most complex and intricate Scottish country dances. More information is available here.